Sunday, June 29, 2008


i've recently become increasingly interested in moving toward a more simplistic life.

i know this sounds ridiculous considering the fact that my husband and i with no children, no dogs, and no live-in relatives share a three bedroom, two bath house.  so, indulge me, and let me explain.

i recently watched a documentary that had to deal with a specific aspect of the amish lives.  in watching this, i felt that there were many things that i felt that the amish were actually doing right.  and, like my simplicity cynical husband stated, many things that they are doing wrong.  but i felt that there was something about their life, their community with one another, and their self sustainability that i'm quite fascinated by.  for the past few days i have become a little consumed with grand ideas of simplicity.

i think in a generation that is consumed with consuming, it's a refreshing idea to actually consider using the resources that God has provided for us to provide for ourselves.  things like gardening, handmade clothes, baked goods and canned foods are all things that i feel have nothing but good to offer for chris and i, but are also such a tool for developing community not only in our neighborhood, but also in our church.

it is a little overwhelming and hard to make decisions about which parts of society are more efficient to keep and which ones should be left out, but to me, it sounds like a little adventure in seeing how creative i can get and how much we could actually do for ourselves.

i think there's something to be said for the fact that seeds can sprout and grow into the exact things that we need to nourish our body.  and the fact that the sky naturally springs forth with water and sun to encourage their growth.  i keep remembering the story of manna falling from heaven with the exact amount that they needed for that day.  no more.  no less.

i feel that we are all created for a purpose and that God gave us each passions for a reason.  i love to make things with my hands and i'm excited about the idea of using that passion to hopefully not waste the manna that God provides for us daily.


heather said...

i loved this! i think there is a difference between "efficiency" and "simplicity" and our postmodern culture has confused the two.

simple may be harder but i think it's often more rewarding. who wants to do more work to be sustainable when it's so easy to consume blindly? not many people, apparently.

what was the documentary you watched? because i am so ON IT. they're doing a primetime (i think) series on abc about amish teens doing their rumspringa and it is fascinating and pretty much heartbreaking. i'm sucked in.

Chris Troutman said...

that's what its about! rumspringa. it's called devil's playground. it was really good. i even started watching it again with the commentary, but chris returned it before i could finish it for some documentary on joy division. lame.

marym said...

I hear you Kim, go for it

Amy said...

i watched that rumspringa thing a couple of years ago. Now everytime i hear the "spring break" it sounds so much cooler to call it "rumspringa-break"

but thats just me.